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Constitutional Conservative 
Gun crimes charged as domestic terrorists and the definition redefined.
Donate any amount to help remove Rashida!
No Sanctuary City
Secure America's Borders
Accessible Affordable Health Care
(I have a plan!)
Peace Through Strength
Support Public Safety
Decriminalization of medical marijuana at the Federal level
Bring back federal funding for inpatient mental health and detox.





Meet Linda

Thank you, C-SPAN!

A Trump Policy Supporting  Gun-Carrying Evangelical



She actually has a health care plan that benefits all.

Her goals benefit all. 

She can accomplish what her goals are.

Please help her pen Walt's Bill.(federal decriminalization of medical marijuana) Michigan is still experiencing federal raids on growers yet legal at a state level. This will allow states to regulate without federal interference.

She can write grants for federal fund earmarks and half her career was an NIH grant funded research study coordinator. We believe this is the missing link to fire Rashida and can bring in more money to our district than she can.

She has lived over 40yrs in this district.

Her opponant  offers nothing that can beat Rashida other than bankruptcy experience. NOT who belongs in a position dealing with finance. 















Wednesday, February 28, 2024 8:29 PM

19 Illegals Pulled Over in Grand Traverse County for Erratic Driving

What if a citizen was harmed in an accident? It is the governments job to protect us.

Committee to Elect Linda Sawyer
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