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Rashida's 160 failed bills makes her a failure.

Her House censureship for anti-semitism make her a failure.

The money Tlaib brings in are called earmarked which I will also get.

My Goals

  1. Would like to pen a bill to decriminalize cannabis at a federal level so it can be controlled at a state level. In Michigan, confusing since we do have federal state parks and international waters. Our doctors won't write for fearing loss of their medical license.Michigan still has federal raids on growers yet legal at a state level.
  2. Our border needs to be secured.  I have been to the border. Talked to agents. Michigan has already had a murder involving an illegal. I worry about famine and use of our health care system.
  3. Repeal EMTALA. Millions of illegals will use this and it will break our healthcare system.
  4. I want to bring back federal funding for inpatient mental health care adding a detox floor that was stopped in the 80's.
  5. Introduce a health care plan affordable to all regardless of citizenship status. (Canadians, family and friend visitors) For adults, average cost is $29-75/mo.
  6. I want to start at least one direct patient care doctors office in the district to start.
  7. I want a Real ID necessary in order to vote. No foreign nationals.It only disappoints non citizens trying to influence our elections. (Democrats say poor black people wont be able to vote. To me-this is a slap in the face to those that died on the Selma bridge which I actually stood on a couple years ago.
  8. Flip the 12th red for 2 years so illegals do not get sent to our Wayne County sanctuary cities.
  9. .Limit foreign ownership of land.
  10. Black box warning on Covid vaccines.
  11. Research the wasteful spending in Washington.
  12. (When I saw Lisa McClain stand in front of a 20" stack of papers, delivered at 1am and to be voted on the next day from the Democrats-I was stunned. We can do better.)

    I won't vote for any bill over 100 pages and 2 weeks to review.

    When it comes to a bill vote, I want 2 card votes for every piece of legislation only. (not voice) The first is that you read and understand the bill which will be on record. It is a felony to lie.The 2nd will be the vote. The rationale is to make sure legislators understand because who reads 1000 pages? Thats probably more than I read in 4yrs of college! I dont believe anyone understood that pile. I want to understand what we vote on.




    My 12th Wishlist (to start) which the Detroit News and FREEP decided was more important than my goals.

    • Would like to start a children's summer camp at Camp Dearborn if the city will let me. This camp is in Milford and would be for our district kids. I have been a  volunteer childrens summer camp nurse for 30yrs. I have a licensed summer camp director and staff for it already.THIS is where kids learn diversity. It gives parents a break and the kids have fun! 
    • An outdoor pool at Claude Allison Park. 3 huge neighborhoods surround it. All I wanted while growing up on Sumner was a pool. This pool would be at the end of the street for multiple  neighborhoods/families. A great place to relax or sit around the pool. Food trucks would be welcome. Just a great seasonal pool. 
    • Add Historic Fort Wayne into our National Park system. Its the most intact fort I have seen in my travels closest to Sackett's Harbor in upstate NY. The historian at Battle of Richmond will put me in touch with 2 men that had 2 sites added to the registry. This historian already did the statistical work why battlefields are important to add. A great place for our kids to learn about the Spanish American war, Civil War, Korea, Vietnam , Jim Crow times. I did not like they moved the Tuskeegee Airmen exibit elsewhere. Coleman Young was a Tuskeegee Airman and had started it at the fort which I thought the best place. There is also an Indian burial mound still maintained my indigenous women. Although, not in the 12th- its a school roadtrip for us.




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